It is well said that School life is the most important part of life. Greetings for the day !
This is Rohan Pandey an alumni of shreeram model school.
I consider myself blessed enough to be a part of shreeram family. I would like to extend my gratitude to the entire shreeram family for moulding me to explore the best version of myself . A special thanks to Jyoti didi who left no stone unturned to provide us the quality education. She has always supported each and every child in every aspect of life being it spiritually or mentally. Shreeram is the only organization which focuses on spiritual development .
I would like to thank all my teachers for always trusting me and guiding me throughout my journey, specially my physics teacher Mrs manu dixit who saw potential in me right from class IX which was not visible even to myself .
No matter how old I grow , I will always look back to receive the blessings of my respected teachers .